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Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve

Qazaq Geography

The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve was founded on May 19, 1958. This reserve is located about 170 kilometers from the capital of Kazakhstan – Astana, and is one of the most protected areas in Kazakhstan. The lands of this reserve are strictly state-owned and strictly protected, so they are not subject to any privatization. It is home to rare species of animals and birds that need to be preserved.

The nature reserve is located on the border of Akmola and Karaganda oblasts. It is entirely located in Akmola oblast of the Korgalzhyn district. Its current protection zone extends across the Yegindykol and Korgalzhyn districts of the Akmola oblast, as well as Nurinsky district and territory of the state Agrarian Fund of Karaganda oblast.

The climate in the location of the reserve is continental due to its remote location from mitigating marine cyclones. In summer it is hot and dry here, winter is quite warm, there is very little snow. The climate is characterized by aridity and sharp fluctuations in air temperature for different years, as well as during the year, month, day (the difference in air temperature for 3-6 hours can vary by 20-25°C). There is very little moisture in this area, so in summer you can often observe droughts and sandstorms, and in winter blizzards and snowstorms.

Flora of the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve

At this time, the higher plants are well studied and the lower ones are much worse studied. Botanists have identified 600 species in the flora of this region, including 62 species of fungi, 1 species of algae and 149 species growing on the surface of water, vascular plants - 375 species, lichens - 29 species, mossy - 8 species.
Vascular plants are most widely distributed and studied in the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve. In the Red Book of Kazakhstan, as well as in the Red Book of the USSR of 1975 edition, 7 species of rare and endangered plants were included: Tulipa schenkii and T. patens, Adonis wolgensis, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Ixiolirion tataricum, almost threefold - Zygophyllum subtrijugum, Allium flavescens.
We see that, despite the rather monotonous relief and hot climate, the protected area is rich in rare and more common plants.

Fauna of the Korgalzhynsky Reserve

The wildlife of the nature reserve is also very rich and diverse. A huge number of insect species live here – there are 256 studied species alone. All species are quite common and widespreaded in this region.
Amphibians and reptiles are very few here. Amphibians in this protected area are inhabited by two species, reptiles – four. Of these, only one species - the steppe viper (Vipera ursini) - is listed in the Red Book (IUNC).

Fish live exclusively in the waters of Korgalzhyn Lake. There are 14 species of fish observed here.
There are a great many birds in this undoubtedly warm region. Birds are represented by 328 species. Of these, 39 are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, and twenty-four bird species are listed in the Red Book (IUCN).

And finally, there are 41 species of mammals in the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve, of which as many as 6 species are listed in the IUCN Red Book.
Thus, the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve is an excellent training ground for tourists’ excursions and exploring the natural wealth and diversity of this region.


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