Kz Ru En

Khan Koryk festival

Qazaq Geography


Project Objective

Project goal is to introduce young people to the historical and cultural monuments of the great steppe, nature reserves of the country. Every year, one region is chosen for the festival, where young people from all over the country come together.


- Work with the younger generation
- Instilling patriotism and love for nature
- Interaction of young people from different regions
- Exploring unique natural locations
- Uniting the youth


getting acquainted with historical monuments
Work with the younger generation
Instilling patriotism and love for nature
Interaction of young people from different regions
Exploring unique natural locations
Uniting the youth


What is already there?

The festival was first held in 2015 in Ulytau, Karaganda oblast and was dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh statehood. In 2016 – in South Kazakhstan oblast under the auspices of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in 2017 - in Pavlodar oblast as part of the implementation of the Tugan Zher program and Spiritual Shrines of Kazakhstan project.

In 2018, the festival was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital of Kazakhstan and was held in Aktobe oblast. About 120 people took part in it – students of 14 Kazakhstani universities, as well as universities of Russia (Orenburg) and Uzbekistan (Nukus) and young people - members of QazaqGeography.

A prerequisite for participation is to have tents, sleeping bags and other tourist items with you, because participants travel around the region for several days, live in tent camps. And this is the beauty of the festival – when young people from one region can explore the cultural, historical and geographical features of another one.
In addition, coworking sessions, seminars, lectures by scientists about the nature of the region are held within the framework of the festival.

Participants are paid for travel, cover the costs of accommodation and meals.
The project has been suspended since 2019.


General questions

8 (7172) 999 336 ( 1003)

8 (7172) 999 336 (1005)

Expedition, events
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Z10G9D2 Abai avenue, Astana, Kazakhstan
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