Kz Ru En

Traditions of the Kazakh people associated with the birth of a child

Qazaq Geography

Numerous rituals and customs appeared in ancient times, at the dawn of the formation of a unique structure of steppe society based on the interaction of clans. Kazakh family traditions related to the appearance of a new family member are distinguished by special solemnity:


This name was given to a special period, the length of which is 40 days. It began at the time of the baby's birth. Before its expiration, only the grandfather and grandmother were allowed into the room where a baby stayed. So the child was protected from the evil eye and misfortunes.

Kazakh traditions demanded to notify all relatives about the appearance of a new family member. To do this, a messenger was sent to them. They reported the sex of the baby:
  • if a boy, then he was called, for example, "horse" or "groom";
  • the girl was a "seamstress", "milkmaid", "forty-seven" (standard kalym).
The envoys demanded "suyinshi" — a reward for good news. All the notified were going to the holiday. The guests wished longevity and health to the child and thus protected te child from adversity. In gratitude, the hosts arranged a feast. This holiday was held on odd days (the countdown was conducted from the moment the baby was born).
On the third day after birth, the baby was transferred to a cradle. At the same time:
  • grandmother always fumigated the crib with the smoke of medicinal herbs;
  • the baby was beautifully swaddled; covered in a cradle:
  • a boy was covered up with a fur coat, a girl - with a scarf.
Additionally, a bridle or a mirror was placed in the crib, depending on the sex of the baby. Coins or silver objects are given to women who performed the ceremony. Those, in turn, gave mom and newborn useful household items: dishes, clothes, jewelry, etc.

Kyrkynan shygaru

The child has successfully lived the first 40 days of their lives, and it is the turn of another Kazakh tradition — cutting hair and nails. In fact, this holiday is held in order to show the baby to people. Moreover, only female relatives and dear friends participate in kyrkynan shygaru.

The rite is performed as follows:
  1. 41 silver coins (item) and beans (the same amount) are placed in a large bowl. These items will provide the child with a well-fed and rich life.
  2. Then all the women present pour warm boiled water (41 spoons) in turn into the same bowl, accompanying the process with good wishes.
  3. The contents of the bowl are poured into the bath in which the child is bathed. In the process, it is important to rinse the whole baby's body.
  4. After that, the child's nails and hair are trimmed. This mission is entrusted to women with a good destiny — successful, rich, who have beautiful and healthy children.
  5. Nails are buried in a remote place, and hair is wrapped in a white cloth and held at the cradle as a talisman.


This is another ritual that helped the child quickly and firmly get on their feet. The customs and traditions of the Kazakh people obliged their relatives to conduct a tusaukeser — a symbolic cutting of the fetters. In the old days, they believed that if the fetters were not cut, the child would grow up to be a loser, would stumble, falter.
Tusaukeser is carried out when the child turns about 12 months old. Then they start walking themselves. Parents organize a feast and invite all relatives and friends. Guests arrive with gifts, sweets for the "shashu" ceremony (scattering of goodies).

Tusaukeser begins after the feast. The ceremony goes as follows:
  • The child's legs are tied loosely with a black-and-white or grass rope (or the intestines of a fat lamb). The first provided the ability to distinguish between good and evil, the second — strong health like a horse, and the third — wealth.
  • The child is placed on a special carpet.
  • A respected person cuts the rope with a knife (this person brings both with him).
  • Then two adults take the child by the hands and lead the child along the carpet.
  • At this moment, goodies are scattered.


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